Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Depression has become such a common part of modern living it is almost considered normal. Millions of prescriptions are written each year for anti-depressants, some with horrendous side effects such as suicidal tendencies. Do, they solve the problem? Not at all! At best, they temporarily relieve the symptoms of depression and in the process dull the mental abilities of those patients taking them.
Friday, May 12th, 2006
After years of repeated warnings by groups like the Citizens Commission On Human Rights – the United States FDA & the drug company Glaxo Smith Kline (the maker of Paxil) have admitted that patients taking Paxil have a dramatic increase in suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide. This being such a horrible side effect you would think they should have told you this earlier when they first found out about it.
In fact, its an increase of over 600%!!! Would you like to take a drug that makes you six times more likely to kills yourself? How about it you are depressed and seeking help for suicidal thoughts already? Yet that’s exactly what Paxil is prescribed for!
This is a preview of Drug Company & the FDA Finally Admit Paxil Causes Increased Suicide Risk. Read the full post (543 words, estimated 2:10 mins reading time)


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