Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This report on illegal prescription drug use shows that children’s abuse of drugs like the psychiatric drugs Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall have now tripled.
The report found that teens who abused these types of drugs were twice as likely to use alcohol, five times as likely to use marijuana, 12 times likelier to use heroin and 21 times likelier to use cocaine.
The report also found that in 2002, controlled drugs were implicated in almost 30 percent of drug-related emergency room deaths while the number of prescription drug emergency room mentions in hospital logs increased by nearly 80 percent.
Isn’t it alarming that the very drugs pushed by psychiatrists to “help” our children cause these kinds of damaging effects?
Find out for yourself more about the false psychiatric labels like hyperactivicy, AHDH, ADD and the drugs like Ritalin used by children to supposedly treat them. Visit
Tags: ADD ADHD & Hyperactivity, Psychiatry, Drugs & Children, Ritalin


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