Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I just ran across this article covering Adderall Deaths and the decision of Canadian health agency to pull the drug from the market.
The author covers the curious point of why does the FDA continue to allow this drug to be prescribed to children when it has been linked to the deaths of 20 children. In the article he says:
“This uncovers a fault in the regulation of pharmaceutical drugs: the absence of ongoing monitoring of the “performance” and especially the safety of drugs. Once approved, it appears that the FDA relies on voluntary reporting by the drug companies to tell it about side effects - a bit like having the fox guard the hen house.”
This is a very good point. Why does the FDA allow drugs like Adderall to continue to be given to children? It only took the FDA two decades to realize that antidepressants were causing kids to commit suicide. American’s should write their politicians and demand that the FDA be held accountable for unleashing harmful psychiatric drugs on our society without holding the drug companies to any decent safety standard.
The article also had these great points:
“Adderall, has about 24 percent of the market share for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments, which are most commonly prescribed for children. Adderall is an amphetamine, which stimulates the central nervous system and can increase the heart rate. The drug isn’t sold in Europe.
“Health Canada’s decision comes as a result of a thorough review of safety information provided by the manufacturer, which indicated there were 20 international reports of sudden death'’ in patients taking either Adderall or Adderall XR, the agency said.”
I urge you to click over and take a look at this article on the Adderall Deaths”>ADHD drug Adderall


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