Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Depression has become such a common part of modern living it is almost considered normal. Millions of prescriptions are written each year for anti-depressants, some with horrendous side effects such as suicidal tendencies. Do, they solve the problem? Not at all! At best, they temporarily relieve the symptoms of depression and in the process dull the mental abilities of those patients taking them.
Friday, May 12th, 2006
After years of repeated warnings by groups like the Citizens Commission On Human Rights – the United States FDA & the drug company Glaxo Smith Kline (the maker of Paxil) have admitted that patients taking Paxil have a dramatic increase in suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide. This being such a horrible side effect you would think they should have told you this earlier when they first found out about it.
In fact, its an increase of over 600%!!! Would you like to take a drug that makes you six times more likely to kills yourself? How about it you are depressed and seeking help for suicidal thoughts already? Yet that’s exactly what Paxil is prescribed for!
This is a preview of Drug Company & the FDA Finally Admit Paxil Causes Increased Suicide Risk. Read the full post (543 words, estimated 2:10 mins reading time)

This report on illegal prescription drug use shows that children’s abuse of drugs like the psychiatric drugs Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall have now tripled.
The report found that teens who abused these types of drugs were twice as likely to use alcohol, five times as likely to use marijuana, 12 times likelier to use heroin and 21 times likelier to use cocaine.
The report also found that in 2002, controlled drugs were implicated in almost 30 percent of drug-related emergency room deaths while the number of prescription drug emergency room mentions in hospital logs increased by nearly 80 percent.
Isn’t it alarming that the very drugs pushed by psychiatrists to “help” our children cause these kinds of damaging effects?
Find out for yourself more about the false psychiatric labels like hyperactivicy, AHDH, ADD and the drugs like Ritalin used by children to supposedly treat them. Visit
Tags: ADD ADHD & Hyperactivity, Psychiatry, Drugs & Children, Ritalin

I just ran across this article covering Adderall Deaths and the decision of Canadian health agency to pull the drug from the market.
The author covers the curious point of why does the FDA continue to allow this drug to be prescribed to children when it has been linked to the deaths of 20 children. In the article he says:
“This uncovers a fault in the regulation of pharmaceutical drugs: the absence of ongoing monitoring of the “performance” and especially the safety of drugs. Once approved, it appears that the FDA relies on voluntary reporting by the drug companies to tell it about side effects - a bit like having the fox guard the hen house.”
This is a very good point. Why does the FDA allow drugs like Adderall to continue to be given to children? It only took the FDA two decades to realize that antidepressants were causing kids to commit suicide. American’s should write their politicians and demand that the FDA be held accountable for unleashing harmful psychiatric drugs on our society without holding the drug companies to any decent safety standard.
The article also had these great points:
“Adderall, has about 24 percent of the market share for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments, which are most commonly prescribed for children. Adderall is an amphetamine, which stimulates the central nervous system and can increase the heart rate. The drug isn’t sold in Europe.
“Health Canada’s decision comes as a result of a thorough review of safety information provided by the manufacturer, which indicated there were 20 international reports of sudden death'’ in patients taking either Adderall or Adderall XR, the agency said.”
I urge you to click over and take a look at this article on the Adderall Deaths”>ADHD drug Adderall

I just ran across this great article by a University Professor about Adult ADHD (Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In it, Dr. Mike S. Adams talks about his experience with students who have been falsely labeled with this fictional disease. I call it fictional because after doing plenty of research I have yet found any conclusive scientific evidence that ADHD is a biological brain disease.
I believe that the myth of ADHD has been enforced on our society by the giant pharmaceutical and psychiatric marketing & public relations machine. It’s a convenient way to hook people for life to become legalized drug users. After all, the drugs prescribed for this “disorder” like Ritalin & Adderall are classified as stimulants and placed on the same list by the US Drug Enforcement Agency as crack cocaine.
Apparently Dr. Adams agrees with me. His story of how he deals with adults who have been labeled with ADHD proves the point that it is a matter of self-control and not a brain disease. Dr. Adams had this to say in his article:
“One of the toughest things about being a teacher is dealing with all the latest “syndromes” in our culture of victimization. Whenever a real problem like racism diminishes, there is always someone willing to redefine the problem to help maintain the population of “disadvantaged” Americans.”
Further, he goes on to say:
“Often those fictional problems take the form of “disorders” like adult ADHD.”
“After being diagnosed with ADHD, two things usually happen to the newly “disadvantaged” student. First, a psychologist tells the victim that he cannot pay attention nor control various impulses. Next, he is given a dosage of drugs. Neither one of these responses actually works. In fact, telling him that he cannot pay attention – rather than that he simply does not pay attention – usually reinforces the problem. The drugs don’t work because, again, the disorder is fictional.”
Dr. Mike S. Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
For more information about Adult ADHD, children and ADHD or Ritalin - visit
Tags: ADD ADHD & Hyperactivity, Psychiatry, Drugs & Children, Ritalin
« Tom Cruise Is Right About Child Psychiatric Drugs
Psychiatrists Abusing Patients In Turkish Psychiatric Hospitals »

ADHD Drug Strattera Causes Suicidal Thoughts In Children

The drug manufacturer Eli Lilly is admitting today that their drug Strattera prescribed to treat ADHD and hyperactivity causes children to have suicidal thoughts. This is after the FDA requested that Eli Lilly provide the data that they apparently had not disclosed showing the link between suicide and this ADHD drug. After reviewing this information the FDA seems to have requested that Strattera carry a warning on it’s label.
Based on the information that Lilly provided on Strattera the statistics are staggering. If you take the total number of children being treated for ADHD and hyperactivity with drugs like these (over 5 million kids) you get some frightening numbers. Assuming that similar drugs have the same side effects there are tens of thousands of kids experiencing suicidal thoughts from these drugs. Statistically using the same figures thatEli Lilly provided in their press release you get these numbers:
20,000 children have been having suicidal thoughts as a direct side effects of their medication. The most horrific number is the nearly 4,000 children who have likely acted on these thoughts and attempted suicide. Who knows how many of the 4,000 were successful.
This is an enormous amount of damage. Think of the preschoolers who are on this drug. Imagine a poor 6 year old child experiencing suicidal thoughts. Now imagine 20,000 of them! it’s almost too terrible to believe.
Facts like these are everywhere when it comes to psychiatric drugs and treatments. All you need to do is look in the news and go beyond the psychiatric drug companies propaganda. The facts are there to be seen. Their treatments cause suicide and psychosis as direct side effects. The amount of damage they are inflicting on society and our children is immeasurable. It’s time that psychiatry and the drug companies pay for this damage and are stopped from harming our kids once and for all.
For more information on ADHD drug side effects or Strattera and Suicide, visit -
Tags: ADD ADHD & Hyperactivity, Deaths Caused By Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Drugs & Children, Side Effects, FDA and Psychiatric Drugs, Strattera